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PSRx BODY & SKIN Services


Weight Loss

 Weight loss journey is not always an easy process, which is why we offer FDA approved appetite suppressants as well as other prescriptions used for weight loss.

Cellulite Reduction

Our FDA-approved, non-invasive devices melt fat and reduce cellulite using a combination of radio frequency, magnetic pulses, and low-level lasers.


  • Noninvasive and nonsurgical

  • Selective, targeting dark, coarse hair while sparing the surrounding skin

  • Fast, each laser pulse lasting a fraction of a second

  • Toning and conditioning, leaving you with softer, smoother skin

  • Comprehensive in its ability to target large areas of hair

Skin Tightening

Skin tightening treatments at PSRX are non-invasive, so there is no pain, no surgery, no downtime. Best of all treatments take just thirty minutes each in our convenient locations meaning you can get in and out quickly and easily

Body Contouring

Whether you want to drop a dress size, get your body after baby back, or feel great in your jeans every day, non-surgical Body Contouring can be a terrific option.

Skin Rejuvenation

The use of NonoFractional Radio Frequency (RF) delivers energy deep into the dermis generating heat and initiating skin changes, collagen remodeling and tissue regeneration.

Laser Lipo

At PSRX, we offer laser lipo (or i lipo, as it's more commonly known) as an alternative to invasive liposuction.

PSRx Products

Precise M.D. Skin Health is formulated to maintain and improve skin health. An effective skincare regimen must contain three fundamental elements: Prevention, Protection, and Correction. Designed to prevent signs of future damage, protect healthy skin, and correct the appearance of previous damage, Precise M.D. Skin Health is committed to advanced skincare products that are backed by science.

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© 2018 by Precise Sculpt Body & Skin


850 S Wabash Ave, Chicago IL, 60605


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